Asian Currents

Protest, voting and having a say: is the sleepy Japanese student waking up?
The lowering of Japan’s voting age, coupled with Shinzo Abe’s controversial reform agenda, may see a stirring among Japanese students.

Indonesians relearning the art of healthy eating
Food scares and unhealthy eating habits lead to a revival of interest in traditional foods among Indonesia’s middle class. ANGIE BEXLEY reports. Anthropological studies into

South Korea’s deepening youth unemployment crisis
The Korea Herald recently reported that 410,000 young people in their 20s were unemployed in South Korea, up from 330,000 in 2013, and a 15-year high.

For land and people: the Kachin conflict in Myanmar
The struggle between the Myanmar government and the Kachin minority group is about much more than ethnicity, argue COSTAS LAOUTIDES and ANTHONY WARE. Myanmar is

Singapore at 50 reflects on its past and contemplates the future
In its 50 years since independence, Singapore has become a first-world nation. But times have changed and, says JASON LIM, Singapore will have to change

Tigers vs goats: Rajiv Malhotra’s battle for Sanskrit
The architecture of Indian civilisation or a mere language? McCOMAS TAYLOR surveys the battleline over the significance of Sanskrit. Western scholarship devours Sanskrit just as

Democracy still taking root in Bhutan
Although Bhutan’s new democracy appears to be working well, the citizens of the Himalayan Kingdom have yet to show a strong commitment to it. MARK

Taliban and Pakistan overtures open political rifts in Afghanistan
As Afghanistan seeks rapprochement with Pakistan and opens negotiations with the Taliban, AMIR HAIDARI observes rising tensions between former president Hamid Karzai and leaders of

A lesson in tolerance
After ugly clashes in Sydney and Melbourne between anti-Islam and anti-racism groups, KATHRYN ROBINSON writes that our Indonesian neighbours can teach us about religious tolerance.

Japan’s unmarrieds seek new connections beyond the family
With marriage rates declining in Japan, friendships are assuming greater importance, for both men and women, writes LAURA DALES. It is a fact that by
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