Asian Currents

Children’s Stories and Development in India – ASAA thesis prize winner
Dr Annie McCarthy was awarded the 2017 John Legge Prize for best thesis in Asian Studies, here she tells us about her work. Can you

A Brief Glimpse at Norodom Sihanouk’s and U Nu’s (Non) Cooperation with Former Enemies
2 March 1962 and 18 March 1970 are important dates in Burma’s and Cambodia’s political history respectively. On 2 March 1962 General Ne Win, in

The Roadblocks to Reform in South Korea
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is shaking up the country’s Constitution. His recent constitutional amendment bill proposes a presidential system that caps a presidency at

Countering violent extremism in Indonesia – ASAA prize winner
Dr Ian Chalmers was awarded the 2017 Wang Gungwu Prize for the best article in Asian Studies Review. You can read the full article for

At what price success? Lessons in education from post-Mao China
When it is hard to identify and measure the aspects of schooling that are truly important for success, the drive to meritocratic fundamentalism in modern

Marketing morality in Indonesia’s democracy
Issues of inequality and injustice, and expressions of grievance against the status quo, are increasingly being framed by racial and religious identity in Indonesia, write

Political transformation in Timor-Leste hits the pause button
Politics in East Timor have reached something of an impasse and could develop in a number of directions, either a return to old patterns or

Indonesian tourism needs more than slogans
The tourism industry in Indonesia needs a re-think, keeping the needs of a variety of potential tourists front of mind, writes Duncan Graham As President

Will Indonesia ‘descend’ into dispute in the South China Sea?
The stand-off between Indonesia and China in disputed waters off the Natuna Islands may not be all it seems, writes Gatra Priyandita Great power tensions

Manga: a medium for historical debate?
Scholars of Japanese manga are now beginning to look at its political messaging, how it can subvert dominant historical discourses and push for politically conservative
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