Asian Currents

National approach urged to develop Asia-related collection
Asian studies research in Australia is being hampered by loss of library expertise and poor access to resources Asian Studies is a burgeoning topic in

A model for a scholarly life
Obituary John David Legge AO (1921–2016) Emeritus Professor John Legge died on 4 February after a long life and a distinguished career as a scholar,

Finding the grains of truth in Thailand’s spoiled-rice scandal
Thailand’s simmering politics could be about to become even hotter as former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra faces her accusers over a scheme to provide cheap

New chance to end Mindanao’s religious divisions
The Philippine government has an opportunity to rethink its approach before general elections in May to ending long-standing divisions on the southern island of Mindanao

Phnom Penh’s waste pickers battle for their way of life
Waste picking in more than a survival strategy for the poor of Cambodia’s capital The management of solid waste management in Cambodia’s rapidly urbanising capital,

Thailand’s military regime continues to tighten its grip
A return to democracy in Thailand is the hands of the masses It was on a normal workday on Tuesday 2 February at around 11

China’s new cultural revolution
From sex toys to growing acceptance of gays, China’s sexual culture is becoming more liberal and diverse The rapidly changing sexual culture of the People’s

Beyond ‘four dishes and one soup’: China’s hidden economic epidemic
Rising concerns about the blow-out in government expenses in China echo the causes behind the collapse of the North Song Dynasty more than 1000 years

Taiwan signals its readiness to join the world’s democratic powers
With a new president and a populace gaining confidence in its national identity, Taiwan hopes China will finally recognise its sovereignty Consolidated democracies in Asia

Even closer economic engagement in Asia: compelling and overwhelming reasons why
Australia’s economic future rests squarely in its region—Asia—though shadow treasurer CHRIS BOWEN says political leaders here need to do more ‘walk the walk’ than simply
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