Myanmar elections 2015

Myanmar elections 2015

Myanmar: partial transfer of power ‘just around the corner’?

Myanmar’s post-1962 history of ‘power transfers’ by the military is cause for wariness, writes MYINT ZAN. In late 1973, an article titled ‘Power transfer just around the corner’ appeared in the government-controlled and now-defunct English-language newspaper The Guardian, published in Rangoon. A little history of that ‘transfer of power’ is in order. On 2 March […]

Myanmar: partial transfer of power ‘just around the corner’? Read More »

NLD–Army compact as new framework for Myanmar politics?

Following the overwhelming victory for the National League for Democracy and Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar’s elections, TREVOR WILSON considers what could happen next. In voting overwhelmingly for the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Aung San Suu Kyi last week, many voters said they hoped the new government would bring about a fundamental

NLD–Army compact as new framework for Myanmar politics? Read More »

Myanmar's Historic Election

Myanmar election outcome: a possible scenario?

Democracy leader Daw Aung Suu Kyi’s declaration that she will be ‘above the president’ should her party form government after the 8 November election leads MYINT ZAN to make some external and internal comparisons—and postulate a possible scenario. In a press conference on 5 November 2015 Burma’s (Myanmar) democracy leader Daw Aung Suu Kyi candidly

Myanmar election outcome: a possible scenario? Read More »

The limits of big ‘P’ politics in Myanmar’s elections

As Myanmar prepares for historic polls in November, moral ideas of citizen-led social assistance continue to loom large, writes GERARD McCARTHY. With Myanmar’s historic November elections fast approaching, prospective candidates are touring the countryside in boisterous campaigns aimed at winning the support of millions of undecided voters. After decades of authoritarian rule aimed at ring-fencing

The limits of big ‘P’ politics in Myanmar’s elections Read More »