Aung San Suu Kyi and Rohingya policy

Aung San Suu Kyi and Rohingya policy

Radical uncertainty: Myanmar at a critical juncture

There are moments in history when time itself seems compressed, when so many shocking and important events crowd together that it becomes almost impossible to keep track of them, writes Jonathan Bogais The past few weeks in Myanmar have certainly been vertigo-inducing. The extreme violence perpetrated by the Tatmadaw (Myanmar military), Buddhist nationalist militias and […]

Radical uncertainty: Myanmar at a critical juncture Read More »

Why Suu Kyi fiddles while Rohingya homes burn

As persecution of Myanmar’s ethnic Rohingyas accelerates, questions are being asked about why democracy icon and Nobel peace prizewinner Aung San Suu Kyi does not act to stop the violence, writes Damien Kingsbury. As 2017 begins to unfold, the persecution of Myanmar’s ethnic Rohingyas has accelerated. Since the beginning of the year, the UN says

Why Suu Kyi fiddles while Rohingya homes burn Read More »

Myanmar’s toughest challenge lies ahead

Myanmar’s controversial race and religion laws could be a trigger for a revolt against the country’s newly elected government, warns JONATHAN BOGAIS. Speaking at his Masoe-yin monastery quarters in Mandalay about the National League for Democracy’s (NLD) victory in the historic Myanmar elections, U Wirathu, the leader of the Organisation for the Protection of Race

Myanmar’s toughest challenge lies ahead Read More »