Asian Currents

Asian Art Research Now
“Asian art research in Australia and New Zealand remains stubbornly diffuse. Specialists are often separated by institutional and disciplinary divides, as well as real (or

Why Study Indonesian? A Rationale for Australian Education
Having significant numbers of Australians learning Indonesian and studying Indonesia is necessary to give Australia better strategic choices in the future, and the talent and expertise to execute our chosen strategies more nimbly, adeptly, and with fewer unintended consequences.

“The Storytelling State: Performing Life Histories in Singapore”, by Cheng Nien Yuan John Legge Thesis Prize Winner
Can you tell us a bit about your thesis. What’s the problem it explores and what did you find? My thesis identifies and explores Singapore’s

Joint statement: One year after the military coup in Myanmar
On 1 February 2022, people in Myanmar will mark the first anniversary of renewed military dictatorship with protest and resistance. The coup prevented an elected

“The Santa Cruz Massacre, Thirty Years On” Symposium
Today in my city… Mothers crying …their tears water the flowers that scatter on the gravestones of Santa Cruz Cemetery Their bodies have disappeared from

Where is Asia in ‘Fortress Australia’?
For Australia’s neighbours in the Indo-Pacific region the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal announced late September signalled a firm pivot toward traditional Western allies. The strengthening

Alatas and Autonomous Knowledge
Introduction The formative period of Syed Hussein Alatas’ thought was that of European colonialism, particularly in British Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies. While a

Remembering Pak Poedijono 1940-2021
Pak Poedijono died peacefully in a Melbourne hospital at 5.53pm on 30 January 2021. Music and performing-art lovers in Melbourne and other cities in Australia

Vale Dr Ni Win Zaw, Head, Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon
Over the past two years there have been many tragedies due to COVID-19. August 2021, very sadly, saw the passing of Dr Ni Win Zaw,

Are ‘advanced’ Japanese language programs sustainable? A look at Australia, New Zealand and Singapore
Economic, strategic and cultural connections to Japan have never been stronger and more students across the breadth of our education system, primary through to tertiary,
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