Asian Currents

Turkey’s Kurdish election surprise
The recent gains by the Kurdish-dominated party in Turkey’s national election could be a watershed moment for Turkish democracy, write DAVID TITTENSOR and TEZCAN GÜMÜŞ.

History wars: Japan’s industrial heritage listings fuel controversy over Korean forced labour in WWII
Japan and South Korea reach a compromise of sorts over acknowledgment of Korean forced labour during the Second World War, but DAVID PALMER forsees further

Myanmar’s political journey: destination unknown
TREVOR WILSON previews Myanmar’s second general election since the country began its political transition in 2011. The Myanmar Union Election Commission recently announced that the

Seafood, sate, and spouses—giving and receiving among the Cocos Malays
NICHOLAS HERRIMAN and MONIKA WINARNITA enter into the spirit of gift-giving among the Cocos Malays. Giving and receiving play a huge role in the life

Lack of mutual recognition and respect at core of Australia–Indonesia rift
Improving relations with Indonesia requires a significant attitude change by the Australian government on issues of national and regional security, writes BEC STRATING. In recent

Abe apology unlikely in statement to mark 70th anniversary of ending of the Pacific War
MICHAEL HEAZLE weighs the benefits of an apology from Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe next month for Japan’s actions during the Pacific War. When Japanese

For the love—and hate—of factory work
Once regarded as a status job, factory work has lost its appeal to China’s young, notes ANDREW KIPNIS. In China, factory work used to be

The Emperor of India: Modi’s first year in office
Narendra Modi and the BJP were swept to power in 2014 on a promise of major change. PETER MAYER assesses Modi’s record after 12 months.

Vietnam moves cautiously on constitutional reform
BUI NGOC SON and PIP NICHOLSON glimpse some positive responses to calls by activists for constitutional reform in Vietnam. On 4 February 2013 former Justice

Diasporas key to greater Australian engagement with Asia
A new report from the Australian Council of Learned Academies argues that smart engagement with Asia is essential for securing Australia’s future. Australia’s engagement with
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