Asian Currents

Pitfalls ahead as Myanmar advances along democratic road
Facing challenges on many fronts, the first priority for Myanmar’s new government is to curb the country’s systemic violence While seemingly dissimilar in every respect,

Tough guy wins in the Philippines, another tough guy waiting in the wings
There may be more to the Philippines’ new president Rodrigo Duterte than his tough guy image indicates In the populist theatrics that are Filipino politics,

Bangladesh killings bring tensions between Islam and secularism to the fore
Violent extremists are exploiting the tensions and paradoxes of secularism in Bangladesh Bangladesh, a South Asian Muslim majority state with the fourth largest Muslim population,

Submarine saga highlights Australia’s dilemma over China and Japan
In the aftermath of this week’s submarine decision, Australia needs to reassure a disappointed Japan of the strength of their partnership The wash-up from this

Australia’s Asian songline
Asian music culture was significant in colonial and early Federation Australia From the 1840s and up until the introduction of the Immigration Restriction Act in

Himalayan youth bridge generational crevasse
A new generation of young activists is at the forefront of creating change in the Himalayas in uncertain times Rajesh Singh switched his mobile phone

Atoning for the sins of the father
Bongbong Marcos’s bid for the vice-presidency could be a test for the maturity of Philippine democracy Around the period that the Philippines was under the

Japan’s awakening protest movement
Five years after 3.11, Japan is being swept by a new wave of social activism The triple disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake, its

A Heisei Restoration? Aligning Japan with a globalising world
Could Japan’s current era—known as the Heisei—see a ‘restoration’ under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on a scale of the Meiji Restoration 250 years ago? At

Ink art engages with the modern world
An artistic genre widely associated with Chinese cultural tradition is being revitalised and reinterpreted by a new generation of artists Contemporary ink art has emerged
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