Asian Currents

Will Japan’s lowered voting age reverse decreasing voter turnouts?
Japan’s recent Upper House elections had special significance—it was the first time 18 and 19-year-olds were allowed to vote For the first time in a

Time for leadership and engagement in Malaysian Studies in Australia
Australia needs to look beyond Malaysia’s current political impasse and engage more widely with an important neighbour For some time now, Malaysia watchers in Australia

China turns to ecology in search of ‘civilisation’
From obscure origins, China’s ecological civilisation model has grown into an international movement In 2007, then Premier Hu Jintao announced that China would become an

Navigating China’s archives
Restricted access to the Chinese Foreign Ministry archive is a great loss for China scholars This June I published my first book, China–Japan Relations after

Filipinos remain wary of constitutional change
Can Rodrigo Duterte achieve constitutional reform where three previous presidents have failed? Having won the recent election on a platform that included giving serious consideration

Misogyny on the rise in South Korea’s ‘gender war’
A shocking murder puts renewed focus on gender politics in South Korea On 17 May this year a 23-year-old woman was stabbed to death by

Television dating shows—China’s new matchmakers
Love and marriage in today’s China are increasingly being conducted in the spotlight If not bread and butter, television dating shows have become an important

Japan’s food education campaign takes on a nationalistic flavour
Mothers under pressure as Japan pushes return to a traditional diet The Japanese government’s shokuiku (food education) campaign entered a new phase recently that again

New thinking redefines Japan’s foreign aid policy
Japan’s latest aid charter has introduced new and controversial measures Foreign aid is a key instrument of international engagement in Japan’s foreign policy toolkit. Although

Time to position Australia as a digital player in a world online
Australia has yet to grasp the significance of digital technology in expanding its relations with Asia Australia exists in a world well and truly on
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