ASEAN 50th anniversary

ASEAN 50th anniversary

ASEAN: 50 years of peace and prosperity with tough challenges ahead

Regional stability and economic prosperity are hallmarks of the ASEAN way, but on its fiftieth anniversary the association faces a demanding security environment that will surely test it, writes Sue Thompson Fifty years ago, when formal regional cooperation in Southeast Asia began, it was clear that non-interference had unanimous support. In its inaugural declaration of […]

ASEAN: 50 years of peace and prosperity with tough challenges ahead Read More »

ASEAN Charter: deepening constitutionalism in Southeast Asia

The growth of constitutionalism in Southeast Asia may seem slow or disorganised, but Marford Angeles and Michael Henry Yusingco consider its progress Over the years, much of the criticism levelled at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been over its principles of consensus and of non-interference with the internal affairs of member states. However,

ASEAN Charter: deepening constitutionalism in Southeast Asia Read More »