Study of war memory wins ASAA prize

Study of war memory wins ASAA prize

The annual Wang Gungwu Prize for the best article published in Asian Studies Review (ASR) in 2014 has been won by Dr Karl Gustafsson, Research Fellow in the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm.

The selection committee awarded the prize to Dr Gustafsson for his article, ‘Memory politics and ontological security in Sino–Japanese Relations’, which appeared in Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2014. ASR publishers Taylor & and Francis have provided permanent free access to the prize-winning article.

The article explores the role of war memory in victimised states as it impacts bilateral relations through a detailed analysis of Chinese and Japanese official documents and war museums.

The Wang Gungwu Prize was established by the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) in 2013 to recognise and encourages scholarly excellence in the Asian Studies Review. The prize is named in honour of Professor Wang Gungwu, the distinguished historian who has contributed enormously to scholarship not only in Australia but also in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. He was also a key person behind the formation of the ASAA in 1976 and has served as its president.

The Wang Gungwu Prize is an award of $1500.

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