
Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to Dr Hannah Loney

Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to Dr Hannah Loney

The 2017 ASAA Postdoctoral Fellowship has been awarded to Dr. Hannah Loney for a project on violence, biopolitics, and family planning in Indonesian-occupied East Timor. Dr. Loney, who was awarded her PhD at the University of Melbourne in May 2017, will be completing her fellowship at the same university. She was chosen for the fellowship from a large field of applicants with high-quality research proposals. Her research explores how the infrastructure of the Indonesian military occupation of East Timor and its impact on East Timorese women must be understood within the context of the gender ideology of Suharto’s New Order regime and the ideas about gender, femininity, and sexuality contained within it. Winners of the ASAA Postdoctoral Fellowship receive $5000 to support their research.

Read more about Dr. Loney’s research in her new post for Asian Currents.



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