South Asia Studies

South Asia Studies

Children’s Stories and Development in India – ASAA thesis prize winner

Dr Annie McCarthy was awarded the 2017 John Legge Prize for best thesis in Asian Studies, here she tells us about her work. Can you tell us a bit about your thesis. What’s the problem it explores and what did you find? My thesis ethnographically explored the relationship between children and the development industry, particularly […]

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ASEAN Charter: deepening constitutionalism in Southeast Asia

The growth of constitutionalism in Southeast Asia may seem slow or disorganised, but Marford Angeles and Michael Henry Yusingco consider its progress Over the years, much of the criticism levelled at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been over its principles of consensus and of non-interference with the internal affairs of member states. However,

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Japan and Australia eye bilateral relations through TPP prism

As signatories to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Australia and Japan are treading familiar ground, writes STACEY STEELE. Like many other signatories to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) published on 5 November 2015, Australia and Japan already have a bilateral trade treaty—the Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA). Signed on 8 July 2014, JAEPA only came into force on

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