Australia – Asia relations

Australia – Asia relations

What students learn about Asia is outdated and needs to change

The profound economic, political and cultural changes taking place in Asia, and in Australia, demand new ways of thinking about relations between the two, writes Fazal Rizvi The idea that all Australian students should develop a deeper understanding of Asian languages and cultures is not new. Some elements of this thinking go back to the […]

What students learn about Asia is outdated and needs to change Read More »

Development or diplomacy? The rebranding of the Australia Awards

The Australian government’s primary intentions for its awards program for developing countries in the region may be at variance with its stated objectives, writes Anna Kent The Australian government has been offering scholarships to students from developing countries in our region since around the middle of last century. The scholarships became the start of what

Development or diplomacy? The rebranding of the Australia Awards Read More »

Submarine saga highlights Australia’s dilemma over China and Japan

In the aftermath of this week’s submarine decision, Australia needs to reassure a disappointed Japan of the strength of their partnership The wash-up from this week’s decision by the Australian government to sign with a French provider of new submarines provides an opportunity to reflect on Australia’s developing triangulated relationship with China and Japan, and

Submarine saga highlights Australia’s dilemma over China and Japan Read More »

Australia’s Asian songline

Asian music culture was significant in colonial and early Federation Australia From the 1840s and up until the introduction of the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901 large numbers of indentured labourers, sojourners and immigrants came to Australia from various parts of Asia. They were the engines of the early Australian economy and the colonial nation-building

Australia’s Asian songline Read More »

Even closer economic engagement in Asia: compelling and overwhelming reasons why

Australia’s economic future rests squarely in its region—Asia—though shadow treasurer CHRIS BOWEN says political leaders here need to do more ‘walk the walk’ than simply ‘talk the talk’. It’s a truism these days that Australia’s economic future lies primarily in Asia. The case for closer economic engagement in Asia is compelling and overwhelming. Take your

Even closer economic engagement in Asia: compelling and overwhelming reasons why Read More »

Diasporas key to greater Australian engagement with Asia

A new report from the Australian Council of Learned Academies argues that smart engagement with Asia is essential for securing Australia’s future. Australia’s engagement with Asia has too often been characterised by short-termism, opportunism and focus on monetary gain. Smart engagement, by contrast, means more than the pragmatic emphasis on economic benefit, and working towards

Diasporas key to greater Australian engagement with Asia Read More »