Myint Zan

Myint Zan

Myint Zan is a retired professor from the Multimedia University, Malacca, Malaysia.

On ‘Legality’ of Governments and Regimes: Brief Glimpse of United Nations’ Treatment of Previous Regimes in Cambodia and Afghanistan

Just over 49 years ago on the 29 August 1969 the (former) Burmese Prime Minister U Nu who had been overthrown by General Ne Win and who was detained by General Ne Win and his Revolutionary Council from 2 March 1962 to 27 October 1966 announced in London, that he was still the ‘legal Prime […]

On ‘Legality’ of Governments and Regimes: Brief Glimpse of United Nations’ Treatment of Previous Regimes in Cambodia and Afghanistan Read More »

A Brief Glimpse at Norodom Sihanouk’s and U Nu’s (Non) Cooperation with Former Enemies

2 March 1962 and 18 March 1970 are important dates in Burma’s and Cambodia’s political history respectively. On 2 March 1962 General Ne Win, in a military coup, overthrew the democratically elected government of U Nu and the rest as they say is ‘history’. General Ne Win’s coup has (in a certain sense) been celebrated

A Brief Glimpse at Norodom Sihanouk’s and U Nu’s (Non) Cooperation with Former Enemies Read More »

Myanmar: partial transfer of power ‘just around the corner’?

Myanmar’s post-1962 history of ‘power transfers’ by the military is cause for wariness, writes MYINT ZAN. In late 1973, an article titled ‘Power transfer just around the corner’ appeared in the government-controlled and now-defunct English-language newspaper The Guardian, published in Rangoon. A little history of that ‘transfer of power’ is in order. On 2 March

Myanmar: partial transfer of power ‘just around the corner’? Read More »

Myanmar's Historic Election

Myanmar election outcome: a possible scenario?

Democracy leader Daw Aung Suu Kyi’s declaration that she will be ‘above the president’ should her party form government after the 8 November election leads MYINT ZAN to make some external and internal comparisons—and postulate a possible scenario. In a press conference on 5 November 2015 Burma’s (Myanmar) democracy leader Daw Aung Suu Kyi candidly

Myanmar election outcome: a possible scenario? Read More »