Anoma Pieris

Anoma Pieris

Anoma Pieris is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning. She holds a BSc from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, an MArch and SMArchS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a PhD from UC Berkeley and an MPhil in geography from the University of Melbourne. Anoma’s training is in architectural history and in geography with a specialist focus in postcolonial and subaltern studies methods as applied to the architecture of South and Southeast Asia; more specifically to Sri Lanka and Singapore.

Civil War Subjectivities: Space, Social Change and Ethnicised Violence in Sri Lanka

“…never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” (John Donne, Meditation 17) The Sri Lankan civil war has been reviewed and debated by many scholars who argue its rootedness in historic enmities, its evolution from an ethnicised consciousness and its more immediate political struggles in relation to diasporic and party

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