University of Sydney: Indonesian Studies Associate Lecturer / Lecturer (Education Focused)

University of Sydney: Indonesian Studies Associate Lecturer / Lecturer (Education Focused)

  • Full time fixed term until 31/12/2024
  • Contribute to the Indonesian content-based language teaching and curriculum design at the Indonesian Studies Discipline within the School of Languages and Cultures
  • Academic Level A/B, Base Salary $79,784- $134,403 p.a. + 17% superannuation

The Indonesian Studies Discipline within the School of Languages and Cultures is seeking to appoint an Associate Lecturer or Lecturer in the field of Indonesian Studies.

Indonesian Studies at Sydney offers an area studies major, incorporating language acquisition for learners who enter the program with less than near-native facility and rigorous disciplinary content for native and non-native speakers. While ensuring that language acquisition takes precedence in the lower levels, students are expected to grapple with important questions about the history, culture, geography, economy and politics of this vast and complex nation from the ab initio level onwards. This is facilitated at the lower levels through an English language lecture component and at the upper levels through our flagship Indonesian language guest lecture program, in which students from levels 3 and 4 come together to attend lectures on topics related to their studies delivered in Indonesian by outside experts.

Education-focused roles are a specialised category of academic engagement reserved for talented educators with a passion for, and demonstrated excellence in, pedagogical practice and design. The successful candidate will dedicate the majority (up to 70% – or by mutual agreement 80%) of their academic workload allocation to education and educational development.  We also highly value recognised expertise in higher education pedagogy, or the willingness to undertake additional development through for example completion of the Graduate Certificate in Education Studies (Higher Education) or comparable recognition (e.g. obtaining FHEA status).

This role is a great opportunity for an early career teacher/scholar with a strong profile in Indonesian content-based language teaching and curriculum design.

For more information and the role and the application process, visit the job listing.

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