Queering Our Worlds: A Tribute to Mark McLelland

Queering Our Worlds: A Tribute to Mark McLelland

The Association for Asian Studies presents a webinar to commemorate the legacy of Mark McLelland.

Thursday, February 25, 2021
7:00-8:30pm Eastern Time

Co-sponsored by Japanese Studies Association of Australia
Consulting organizers: Vera Mackie and James Welker

Mark McLelland (1966-2020) was a pioneering scholar, whose work served as an inspiration to so many people in various fields—Japan Studies, Queer Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cyberculture Studies, and more. This memorial roundtable captures some of that richness. Speakers come from a broad roster of scholars to share their reflections on Mark’s contribution to their own work and to the field. James Welker and Vera Mackie have helped organize the roundtable and its speakers to encompass the richness of Mark’s legacy. Mark will certainly be missed, but this roundtable reflects some part of the community of scholars that he and his work created. His inspiration lives through the multiplicity of voices in this roundtable and beyond.

The full list of speakers and their biographies can be found on the Association’s website

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