Announcing the winners of the ASAA 2022 Conference Bursaries

Announcing the winners of the ASAA 2022 Conference Bursaries

In the Asian Studies Association of Australia, we pride ourselves on promoting young scholars as a key part of our activities as a professional association. For this reason, we support the attendance of postgraduate students at our biennial conferences, and the associated postgraduate workshops. Professor Kate McGregor (ASAA President) on behalf of the ASAA Postgraduate Award Selection Committee (Dr Lis Kramer, Dr Minerva Inwald, Dr Alexander Davis and Dr Jonathan Benney) and the ASAA Conference Convenor Associate Professor Sharyn Davies would like to congratulate the following postgraduate bursary winners:

Paola Tine (The University of Adelaide)

Hao Zheng (Deakin University)

Elena Williams (The Australian National University)

Tandee Wang (The University of California, Santa Barbara)

Rafiqa Qurrata A’yun (The University of Melbourne)

Tanvir Uddin (The University of Sydney)

Yahia Zhengtang Ma (The University of Melbourne)

Sarah Haggar (The University of Queensland)

Nathan Gardner (The University of Melbourne)

Valentina Utari (The University of Western Australia)

Nedha de Silva (Monash University)

Chen Huei-Ling (The University of Sydney)

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