
AAS is now accepting nominations for 2022 Book Prize competitions

AAS is now accepting nominations for 2022 Book Prize competitions

Call for Nominations

To recognize outstanding scholarship and contribution to the field, the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) annually awards several publication prizes, presented at the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Conference (next coming up March 24-27, 2022 in Honolulu, HI).

AAS is now accepting nominations for 2022 Book Prize competitions, with a submission deadline of July 15, 2021. All nominations must be submitted by book publishers, using the book prize nomination forms available via the AAS website.

Please note that July 15 is the deadline for nomination form submission; books should be sent as soon as possible once the AAS has confirmed receipt of the nomination, but can arrive after that date.

If you’re an author and would like your book considered for nomination, please contact your press representative—do not mail books directly to prize committee members or the AAS Secretariat, as they will not be considered.


Dr Elly Kent is the editor of the ASAA's blog, Asian Currents and the ANU's Southeast Asia blog, New Mandala. She has worked as a researcher, writer, translator, artist, teacher and intercultural professional over 20 years in academia and the arts in Indonesia and Australia. Elly gained a double degree in Asian Studies (Specialist Indonesia) and Visual Arts (Hons) and a PhD in the same fields from the Australian National University. She is the author of Artists and the People: Ideologies of Indonesian Art (2022) NUS Press, and co-editor (with Virginia Hooker and Caroline Turner) of Living Art: Indonesian Artists Engage Politics, Society and History (2022) ANU Press.

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