

Jon Priadi and celebrity ‘walkabout chef'

Indonesians relearning the art of healthy eating

Food scares and unhealthy eating habits lead to a revival of interest in traditional foods among Indonesia’s middle class. ANGIE BEXLEY reports. Anthropological studies into food tend to focus on class, identity and wider socio-historical and political changes in society. So, what would a project look like that not only attempts to do anthropology about […]

Indonesians relearning the art of healthy eating Read More »

A lesson in tolerance

After ugly clashes in Sydney and Melbourne between anti-Islam and anti-racism groups, KATHRYN ROBINSON writes that our Indonesian neighbours can teach us about religious tolerance. The memorial held in our national parliament on 17 July for the people who died in the Malaysian airlines flight MH17 shot down over Ukraine featured a moving rendering by

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Lack of mutual recognition and respect at core of Australia–Indonesia rift

Improving relations with Indonesia requires a significant attitude change by the Australian government on issues of national and regional security, writes BEC STRATING. In recent months Australia and Indonesia’s bilateral relationship has suffered several high-profile setbacks. In April and May, Australian political leaders from all sides swiftly and forcefully condemned Indonesia’s execution of two Australian

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Stopping the boats: in search of a regional ‘solution’

ANTJE MISSBACH asks whether regional ‘solutions’ are the answer to managing the influx of refugees and asylum seekers. It took the foreign ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand more than 10 days to finally come to a joint agreement that would allow the rescue of thousands of dehydrated and starving Rohingya and Bangladeshis who had

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Richard Wright and the Bandung Conference

The observations of Indonesia by the famous African-American novelist Richard Wright during the 1955 Bandung Conference deserve to be read alongside Indonesian accounts, argue KEITH FOULCHER and BRIAN RUSSELL ROBERTS. In December of 1954, while living in self-imposed exile in France, the famous African-American novelist Richard Wright picked up an evening newspaper and gazed in

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The power of redemption

After ignoring international outrage and desperate pleas over the executions of foreign drug smugglers, including two Australians, JAMES GIGGACHER asks if Jokowi can ever win back a place in our hearts. As Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran and six other men stared down their executioners on Indonesia’s prison island, Nusakambangan, in the early hours of Wednesday,

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