Tanya Jakimow

Tanya Jakimow

Tanya Jakimow is an anthropologist and Associate Professor in the ANU's College of Asia and the Pacific. She is currently an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, working on a project examining women’s political labour and pathways to politics in Medan, Indonesia, and Dehradun, India. She collaborates with scholars and practitioners in Indonesia, India and Australia, aiming to make theoretical contributions to the anthropology of politics (in particular gender and politics) and to enhance understandings about the enduring problem of women’s political under-representation.

Anthropology of/with Asia in Australia

Following are some personal reflections and observations as to the state of anthropology of Asia in Australia, and its evolution over the past twenty years. I identify two trends that are in tension: a sector-wide neoliberal audit culture and a discipline-wide commitment to World Anthropologies. I suggest that Australian anthropology’s links to Asian Studies and […]

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Gendered Politics in Asia: Conference report from the politics stream, Women in Asia 2019

The Women in Asia Forum held its biannual conference at UNSW Sydney from 21-23 June 2019. Over 150 presenters shared their research, organised into 40 panels across six streams. This report identifies some of the themes and future research directions arising from the 20 papers presented as part of the ‘Gendered processes of political power’

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