


ASAA Conference

Biennial Conference

As the largest gathering of experts working on Asia in the southern hemisphere, the biennial ASAA conference offers a unique platform for developing and discussing research ideas, broadening the scope and foci of area studies and related disciplines, and fostering the growth of academic and institutional networks. A regular feature of Australian scholarship since 1976, the ASAA conference brings together aspiring, emerging, and experienced scholars and practitioners to shape and inform future trajectories of Asian Studies in the country and beyond.

25th ASAA Biennial Conference 2024

The 25th ASAA Biennial Conference will be held from 1 to 4 July 2024 at Curtin University in Perth. The conference will be facilitated by the Faculty of Humanities and the Korea Research Centre of Western Australia at Curtin University, with Associate Professor Joanna Elfving-Hwang as convenor. The theme will be “Asia Futures”.  Click here for more information on the 2024 conference. Click here to access the conference website. 

24th ASAA Biennial Conference 2022

The 2th ASAA Biennial Conference 2022 was hosted by Monash University and the Herb Feith Engagement Centre, with Associate Professor Sharyn Davies as convenor. The theme of the conference was Social Justice in Pandemic times.

Access the conference website here. Click here for further details about the 2020 Conference.

23rd ASAA Biennial Conference 2020

The ASAA 2020 conference was reshaped into online activities in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. You can find details of these activities, including links to recordings of our Roundtable series, here.

For your records and for easy use we have created a complete Abstract Booklet of the ASAA 2020 Conference Program which is available for download here.

22nd ASAA Biennial Conference 2018

The ASAA held its 22nd biennial conference from 3–5 July 2018 at the University of Sydney with the theme Area Studies and Beyond. It was convened by Professor Michele Ford and co-organised by the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, the China Studies Centre and the School of Languages and Culture.

You can read the articles on Asian Currents on each day’s events:

Day 0, Looking at Asia through the lens of disability, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.

21st ASAA Biennial Conference 2016

The ASAA held its 21st ASAA biennial conference on 5-7 July 2016 at the Australian National University in Canberra. Convened by Professor Edward Aspinall and Professor Robert Cribb, the conference presentations addressed shifts, continuities, innovations and tensions in Asia.

Previous ASAA Conferences

In 2015, the ASAA partnered with ICAS, CSAA, MASSA and SASSA to organise the 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars in Adelaide. For more information see here. The ASAA biennial conference has been a regular feature of Australian scholarly life since 1976. The National Library of Australia has kept a record of these conferences since 2004, using its web archive service, Pandora. A full list of ASAA biennial conference, and any websites that still exist, is also available here.

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